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Apartment Organization Hacks: Increase Space & Minimizing Clutter

Posted February 28, 2024
Bookshelves in Apartment

With apartment living becoming increasingly popular, the luxury of space is few and far between. Whether you’re in a big city like Chicago or New York or a small college town, apartments pose the ultimate challenge: how can I maximize my space and minimize my clutter? The key to functional living is utilizing what you have at your disposal to the full extent. In this article, we will explore practical apartment organization advice that can transform even the tiniest apartments into an organized heaven. 

Multifunctional Furniture 

With furniture being the main thing taking up space in most apartments, investing in modular furniture can create an environment that serves many purposes and can be taken with and used in every space you call your own. Multifunctional furniture like a couch that pulls into a bed, nesting dining tables and chairs, and items with built-in storage can easily help maximize your space. Try to focus on items that can be tucked away when not in use and free up valuable floor space, creating a versatile and ever-changing living environment. 

Utilizing Vertical Space

When floor space is the most valuable thing in your apartment, think up! The most underutilized space in your apartment is the open air between the furniture and the group or ceiling. It isn’t always about buying another plastic organizational tub or having a drawer for everything; it’s about utilizing what you already have to make your life easier. Installing things like back-of-door hangers, buying taller vs wider furniture, and hanging floating shelving units can ensure you have enough room to fit everything you want in your apartment. 

Decluttering and Minimizing 

Embracing your inner minimalist is the easiest way to maximize your space and keep your apartment clutter-free. Take the Marie Kondo approach, which, according to her website encourages “tidying by category – not by location – beginning with clothes, then moving on to books, papers, komono (miscellaneous items), and, finally, sentimental items. Keep only those things that speak to the heart, and discard items that no longer spark joy. Thank them for their service – then let them go.

People around the world have been drawn to this philosophy not only due to its effectiveness but also because it places great importance on being mindful, introspective, and forward-looking”. Adopting a less is more attitude can save you from having to figure out where to put everything and can keep your apartment functional and easy to clean, organize, and maintain.

Creative Organization

If you are no Marie Kondo (like most people) and still have many things that need places to be stored, getting creative is your next option. Investing in storage bins for various locations around your apartment can declutter and maintain a streamlined appearance of organization. The kitchen is always a focal point of a home and keeping an organized kitchen can really become the crux of your feelings toward your home storage solutions. Getting things like insertable shelves for cabinet space utilization, magnetic spice racks to save drawer space, and hanging baskets for fruits, potatoes, and onions can help turn a small kitchen into a paradise to cook in. 

Be Intentional About Purchases

If you like to be intentional about your space and curate a specific vibe, you might be often bringing new things into your apartment. It’s easy to get carried away at thrift stores and Amazon, but ensuring everything you bring into your apartment is useful and functional is extremely important. Decluttering regularly and donating your things can bring a new sense of life to your space without having to add new decor or furniture. This can help prevent things from accumulating and can make sure you know what you like, what you actually use, and what you maybe don’t need anymore. 

Personalized Solutions

Every apartment you will live in will come with unique challenges when maximizing your space and decluttering your possessions. Consider how you can customize your space to work with your needs. Maybe you need storage options for all your Christmas decor, maybe you need more space to hang your sweaters or a place to put your collection of books – whatever it is, with a clear head on how to declutter and maximize space, you can work to help make your life a little easier, and your apartment a little cleaner. 

Apartment living may come with unique challenges and issues, but with some creative thinking and planning, it will become one less thing you worry about in your life. Utilizing your space, prioritizing multifunctional furniture and items, and being intentional about what you buy can make your apartment full of useful space and minimal clutter. By incorporating these things into your daily life, you’ll enhance the quality of your apartment and your life. 

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